Lundin Gold is committed to having a robust health and safety culture at our operations and in local communities.
Health and Safety

Commited to Zero Harm
Lundin Gold is committed to having a robust health and safety culture at our operations and in local communities. We strive for zero harm through effective prevention and response measures. In doing so, we seek to be a positive reference for safety practices in the Ecuadorian mining industry. We prioritize the resourcing, management, continuous innovation, and monitoring of the effectiveness of our health and safety systems and practices.
Fostering a Culture of Accident and Injury Prevention
Our health and safety practices comply with international standards and are driven by our Fundamental Principle of Working Safely and our Responsible Mining Policy. Through the implementation of multiple initiatives, such as the Golden Rules and the Visible Leadership Program, we seek to continuously foster a culture of accident and injury prevention. We encourage and empower safety leadership in the workforce, and provide training to supervisors, employees and contractors. Additionally, the “Go / No-Go” program is a vital component of our critical risk management system which empowers workers to say "no" if they are asked to carry out any critical risk activities without having the appropriate controls in place in accordance with established procedures. Lundin Gold is focused on mitigating risks and is committed to implementing controls and operating in a safe manner. Please take a look at our Sustainability Report where these initiatives are discussed in more detail.
Lundin Gold’s COVD-19 Response
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lundin Gold developed and implemented various COVID Protocols. These Protocols established a comprehensive program to manage our operations at the Fruta del Norte mine and prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the mine site and through the associated transport of material and people. The Protocols established programs for physical distancing, enhanced disinfection and hygiene measures, quarantine procedures and comprehensive testing to minimize the risk of infected personnel and contractors accessing the Fruta del Norte mine site. In addition, the Company reinforced the Company’s medical facilities and resources, as well as medical case management. Additionally, the Company implemented modified re-induction programs, communications, and education campaigns, as well as continued support to local communities heavily affected by the virus.

Occupational Health: A Top Priority
Lundin Gold is committed to promoting mental health and well-being as part of our occupational health programs. With the onset of COVID-19 and its associated challenges, the “Let’s Take Care to be Well” initiative was launched. This wellness program aims to support employees’ mental health, through direct consultation, support groups, and webinars. We also provide access to social workers. Through this support, we seek to foster a positive work environment and care for the mental health of all in accordance with established procedures. Lundin Gold is focused on mitigating risks and is committed to implementing controls and operating in a safe manner. Please take a look at our Sustainability Report where these initiatives are discussed in more detail.

Focused on Community Safety
A large number of FDN employees live in the Zamora Chinchipe Province. As such, our safety strategy naturally extends to local communities. We carry out communication campaigns, educational talks, and training workshops in local communities to promote a safety culture beyond FDN, and we encourage our local employees to lead by example at home. We also work with local first responders and local governments on health and safety issues and on emergency preparedness and response planning.